Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Dimplex Indoor Fireplace DFB8842 gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 23
What this limited warranty covers and
for how long
in material and workmanship for a
period of 5 years from the date of the
limited warranty have been tested
in material and workmanship for a
The above section is a summary
only of your warranty rights.
Please review the remaining
provisions of this warranty for your
specic rights.
The limited 5 year warranty period
surrounds (mantels) and trims and
the limited 1 year warranty period
and trims also applies to any implied
warranties that may exist under
do not allow limitations on how long
above limitation may not apply to the
What this limited warranty does not
This limited warranty does not apply
What you must do to get service
under this limited warranty